Our annual, worldwide initiative that honors the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on December third, through local, community-led sculpture courts. It began in 2015 with two sites, New York, NY and Hobart, Australia and has since developed into a thriving and growing network of participants.
As we reflect on ODG 2024: The Year of the Individual, we will be harnessing the energy and carrying it forward into ODG 2025.
Join us December 3, 2025 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ON DISPLAY GLOBAL and the 35th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
ODG in the Media
Read ‘Universal, adaptable, wearable, vulnerable’ in the Harvard Gazette about Harvard students participation in ODG 2024.
Stories / Intimate Moments
In 2024 our focus shifted to spotlighting even more than ever the individual. We have shared short videos of stories from our ODG community leading up to December 3rd. In addition to our ODG sculpture courts in December where we all get “seen” in powerful silence, these stories we are sharing will contribute immensely to us all being ”heard” and “ seen”. All videos are captioned.
If you are interested in sharing your story please contact louisa@heidilatskydance.org We encourage you to think of these stories as joyous, funny, personal, and/or vulnerable.
You can engage with the stories through our youtube here or watch them below.
Global Group Installations
NYC Live Installations
On December 3rd, Heidi Latsky Dance has live in-person ON DISPLAY GLOBAL installations in NYC venues: NYU Tisch School of the Arts, and the United Nations General Assembly Lobby.
Ambassadors around the world will be presenting their own events as well.
Highlighted Organizations
This year as a part of ODG we highlighted 6 disability focused organizations committed to accessibility and inclusivity.
Find out more about each organization below and ways to contribute. Next year in 2025 we will highlight 4 more. Stay tuned…
View more information about each here.
We are so grateful to our generous community for every donation we receive to continue this initiative annually
PC: TW Collins